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Inquire about use/partnerships-Inquire about use and partnerships with HI

Recruiting information-We invite those who want to become our families.

  • What do you get more by installing a Phoenix machine at your shop?
    The atmosphere of your shop will be changed. Sophisticated design and beautiful video//audio will capture the visions of visitors to the shop. Sports combined with games will enhance the image of your shop and increase the revenue. Also, it will attract dart fans to your shop. Of course, profits for coins will greatly contribute to the revenue of your shop.
  • How can I rent and operate a machine at my shop?
    First call the number for rental +82-2-890-6695. We will register your inquiry and send our salesperson to your shop to explain the machines and the contractual conditions. If you agree, then sign up a contract and wait for about 10 days until a machine is installed.
  • I want to own and install a machine. Is it possible?
    You can purchase it if you want to. But the purchases are only available for Phoenix models. The top model, ‘VS Phoenix Machine’ is only available for rental installation. Also, if you purchase a ‘Phoenix Machine’ then you will not be eligible for various promotions available at the company.
  • Are there any marketing activities from your company after installing a machine?
    After installing a machine, we will provide various promotions such as advertisements in press and so on. Our professional dart team, ‘Phoenix Stars’ will frequently visit your shop to provide lectures and demonstrations. Also, we provide magazines such as dart guides and ads banners and posters. In addition, we will host periodic darts tournaments to train enthusiastic dart players.
  • I want to sell Phoenix dart machines to certain regions.
    We are operating a regional wholesale system(dealers). If you want to become a dealer, please call +82-2-6721-6730. Our staff will explain the detailed qualification as a dealer and provide you with required documents and the interview schedules.
  • How much is the installation fee?
    It is 100 thousand won. This fee includes the costs for removing the machine from your shop after use.
  • If my machine malfunctions, is there any maintenance fees I need to pay?
    The service fee is 33 thousand won per month, including the trip and part fees. Our salesperson will visit your shop and provide maintenance service whenever necessary. It is provided for free until the third month after installation.